Language Translation

Language Translation

What MyGrinding Provides:

  • Quality and reliable results guaranteed.

  • Establish a translation memory and a terminology glossary before starting a project.

  • These databases are kept confidential and will never be shared with any other client or used for other client’s work. They will be re-used for the original client in future assignments.

  • Upon request, these databases can be shared with the client before proceeding in order to ensure accuracy of the translation.

  • Comprehensive proofreading for total accuracy and free of spelling and grammatical errors.

  • Professional translations for highly specialized content.

  • My Grinding will convert text from a source language into a target language while conveying the style, tone and intent of the text.

  • The finished document should read as if it had originally been written in the target language for the target audience.

  • MyGrinding will take into account the differences in culture and dialect.